I have collected posts about the electronics work that I have done for all of my projects here in an electronics portfolio. If you are interested in how my work is put together, take a look at the posts listed below:
For project code check out my bitbucket and github pages.

Arduino shield to control 7 strands of SMA and read 6 sensors.

Arduino shield to control 7 strands of SMA and read 6 sensors.

Arduino shield to control 7 halogen lights using PWM.

Arduino shield to control 7 high power lights using PWM.

Arduino shield to perform signal filtering and conditioning for the textural music glove.

Arduino shield to perform signal filtering and conditioning for the textural music glove.

A circuit that allows for controlling a load (a motor, light, shape memory alloy, etc) using gesture (turning a dial), and then a record button to save the motion.

An Arduino shield to control high power (~1W/channel) RGB LEDs. Can control up to 5 LEDs with one shield and is chainable.

An Arduino shield to control high power (~1W/channel) RGB LEDs. Can control up to 5 LEDs with one shield and is chainable.